Driving instructions

What You Will Face on a Driving Test Day in Coventry?

Car driving is no less than magic or fun! Ask those who do it every day, and you will understand. If you don’t drive and your friend does, they have one more companion than you do, i.e., roads. Roads can be your true friends if your hands perfectly control your vehicle’s steering wheel. But, there’s one hiccup though you know all the norms of driving. Now what? Well, before you take out your car outside your house, you will have to pass the driving test in that area. If you think that you can clear a driving test in Coventry, fellas, one thing to say, you are living in a utopian world. Why? Take out the track record of this region’s past 5 years’ results, and you will find only 2/5th eligible to sit on the driving seat. So, what to do then? Get a complete idea about those tests. 

To begin with, firstly you need to know that you have to book a slot for the driving test. The venue of this test centre is 42 Bayton Rd, Exhall. So, to avoid any mishap by landing at another place, switch ON your GPS and reach the place much before the test time. If you think that you need to get an idea about the test route, this is the second instance to make you numb. Gone were the days when DVSA Testing Centre used to upload the driving test route on their website. But there’s one slight chance. All you need is to subscribe to some YouTube channels that have uploaded videos related to driving test routes that DVSA has generally followed in the past. 

Next comes the series of tests through which you have to go through. Remember, things can be sulking, but it makes you ready for the toughest rides. The nascent stage is to assess your eyes by letting you read the number plate from a distance of 20m. After clearing this phase, the evaluator will take you through the safety and maintenance equipment present in the vehicle by letting you identify them in front of me to understand how you can handle a breakdown of your car in the middle of a journey. Once you clear this phase with flying colours comes the real knocking, the 3 manoeuvres that are pretty crucial to pass the driving test – parallel parking, bay parking, and pulling up on the right. 

With the 3 manoeuvres test, the examiner is trying to evaluate some of the skills you have learnt while driving in driving school in Birmingham – precision, coordination, speculation, and control. Was it like James Anderson’s bouncer? If yes, let’s understand it in layman terms. During these manoeuvres, the examiner tries to check how frequently you are keeping an eye on the mirror, blind spots, and how well you handle and control the brakes and clutches. You have to set or arrange your vehicle in a road aligned with other parked cars during parallel parking. It means you need to showcase how well you can handle the reverse gear with your steering wheel trying to set you in the pre-defined or remaining space in the parking. 

With bay parking, there comes more manoeuvring that you have to display as here not only the forward and reverse parking you need to dispatch but also the way to move your vehicle right or left in a coordinated and controlled manner to avoid any touch or scratch of the car you are driving while bay parking. Bay parking will demand more sweat from you as your mind needs to be more active for this task. So, be more vigilant. Pulling up on the right is something newer and has been added to this testing arena in December 2017 just to understand whether you as a driver have an idea to pull up the handbrakes and gear lever to the neutral after stopping the car on the other side of the road while traffic is bombing like shrapnels. 

After going through rigorous exercise, the examiner will let you have a 20-minutes of independent driving. In the end, you both will land back at the testing centre. The examiner will provide the feedback sheet and test pass certificate if there are hardly any flaws during the test. Otherwise, it’s a NO to fetch a driving license this time. But not to feel disheartened. Just try to connect with some driving schools who will help you out in learning those crucial and essential driving lessons in Coventry to make you more pragmatic and watchful during the driving test. You will be going through certain periods of days where every day they are giving you training about expanding your driving dexterity. Most of the driving school provides manual & automatic driving lessons as your requirement. 


driving lessons birmingham

Four Expert Driving Lessons That You Should Never Forget

When you take professional driving lessons, you can take on the roads easily. When you want to pass the driving test, you must take the lessons. Drivers are mostly not focused on the roads leading to accidents. 

With expert driving lessons in Walsall, the inexperienced learners can get a try on the roads. They gain real-life experience along with practical training needed for driving.

Important Driving Lessons in Life

Practice driving first to maintain safety on the roads

Defensive driving is crucial to maintain safety while driving. You must be prepared for any reactions on the roads. Further, always drive cars while maintaining a safe distance. When you drive with an instructor, they teach about defensive techniques. They help in reducing bad driving habits. 

They teach you the techniques of fast driving and how you can maintain it. 

Learn about the driving rules on roads

When driving cars, you must know all the rules and instructions. Driving schools in Birmingham teach students all the road laws and rules. They teach what you don’t know. Further, this can be frustrating for all the new learners. 

When you drive professionally, there is someone to help you on the road. They explain all the laws and why you need to follow them. Also, they teach why the rules are implemented. This helps you to stay safe and how you can convince yourself on the roads. If you are a learner, being involved in road rage can lead to months of license suspension. 

Passing the driving test in One Go

It’s not easy to give the driving test in one go. About 2,33,000 students give the test of which only about 58% pass the test. You must be careful to give the exams. It is seen that many people take the exam about 4 times and they pass at last. 

But if you learn from a professional driver, you don’t have to give it so many times. Chances are that you will pass it in the 2nd attempt only. 

Improving the confidence in driving

When you are not confident about driving, you can’t do it properly. The more you operate the vehicle, the better you can drive. If you are nervous behind the wheels, then you might not correctly execute in road situations. 

Also, your confidence level decreases when you don’t have much experience. To build the same, learn it from a professional. They will teach you things that no one else will. 

Defensive driving is so important on the roads. It prevents accidents from occurring. You follow the traffic rules and drive only at the required speed limits. Also, with this kind of driving, you are alert on the road. You check all the road symbols, speed limit markers, etc. 

Before driving, you must check the condition of your car. It should not be leaking engine oil or anything serious. Check properly before going ahead. Try to avoid aggressive drivers at all costs. 


Driving lessons are important if you are serious about driving. Don’t take the risks on your own and take help from a professional.

ladies first driving school

Common Mistakes That Can Let You Fail a Driving Test in UK

According to the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA), UK, between April 2019 and March 2020, only 45.9% of people have passed the driving test. Some of you may start speculating that the norms are getting stricter, but that’s not correct. This guide is all about to let you know the major faults that most people commit during the test, due to which the examiner gives them a clear NO.

The driving test begins with your eyesight observation. You may think that the examiner will only ask you to read number plates is not enough! Remember that the brain and eye coordination have to be vigilant whenever you are on the road. Therefore, the examiner also assesses how you anticipate what’s coming next, especially at junctions. Any error committed while crossing the junction will fall under the junctions observations fault.

Next comes the anticipation and somewhat your sixth sense. While driving, you have to observe within microseconds the speed of the approaching vehicle. If you have to turn left or right, and some car is coming from behind, you must make a safe move to ensure that the approaching vehicle doesn’t have to slow down. The examiner will assess it during a roundabout. Even when the examiner has told you to turn right and if you position in such a way that it can obstruct other vehicles and lead to a complete jam, just know one thing that you have committed a major fault while turning right at junctions.

Sometimes, it may happen that you have not pressed the clutch properly and are trying to switch gears. Due to this, gears may create a fuss in between your journey and can break concentration. You may start looking down to check the issue, and in the meantime, a vehicle or individuals appear, due to which you have to apply brakes suddenly.

The examiner also checks how much you use the side mirror and rear mirror while driving. A well-trained and skilled driver will use it smoothly, especially after taking turns, car manoeuvrings, etc.  If you miss those instances, you must understand during the test that you are going to get a red flag for sure.

The core testing of driving comes when you showcase how easily you can control the steering wheel, especially during an emergency stop and bay parking. During those moments, your vigilance should reach its zenith, and any misjudgment can lead to a big mishap. Therefore, you must go through some driving courses to have a hands-on steering wheel. Driving lessons in Birmingham are provided by several driving schools, but you must select the most effective one that can make you an expert.

Lastly, the common mistake due to which you can fail a driving test in the UK is when you respond wrongly with traffic signs and lights. It happens because you skip those signs like that of “Give Way,” and someone starts honking behind and cursing you for not following the rules while driving on the road.

Hence, to avoid such mistakes, in Birmingham, a driving lesson is what you must take to learn quickly about all these faults. There you will get highly experienced instructors who will help you out in grasping driving skills in no time. So, get ready for the driving test and hold nerves for one of the biggest days of your life.

automatic driving lessons birmingham

6 Tips to Becoming a Brilliant Driver

Are you on your way to becoming a responsible driver, but the overwhelming feeling is standing in the way?

Driving can be quite a freeing experience, but only when you are confident enough to handle the job with perfection. This is where driving lessons and coaching comes into play! Whether you are already taking driving lessons or starting soon, keeping a few crucial tips in mind will help make the journey easier and more enjoyable.

Here’s how to make the most of your driving lessons:

Learn from an ace instructor

If you want to learn from experience, you need to find an ace driving instructor.

When taking driving lessons in Coventry, make sure to look for a driving school with incredible reviews and satisfied customers vouching for them. Going wrong with this step can cost you!

Take your lessons seriously

Learning to drive is no joke. That said, it’s crucial that you bring your A-game to the driving lesson in Birmingham and take your lessons seriously.

Listen to your instructor carefully and keep their given pointers in mind to drive safely, for both yours and other road users’ sake. You can rely on your instructor for support, but try your level best to be cautious and attentive whilst driving.

Learn from your mistakes

Many people aren’t able to pass their driving test because they overthink their actions. This often leads them to the path of making that dreaded mistake.

The only way to overcome your mistakes is by facing and learning from them. Look at your blunders as a test to make you become a better driver upon learning from it. Also, stay calm in such situations as it will help you think straight.

Be an active learner

Do you know what you need to be an active learner? Ask questions!
Do you know what it takes to be an active learner? Answer: Ask questions!

Acting as if you know it all won’t work for you here. Remember, you are taking these lessons to learn, so make sure you ask as many questions as you need, to become confident and clear in your driving.

Comfortable footwear

When going for your driving lessons, make sure your shoes are comfortable.

You’re still a learner driver and you need to be focused on the road, so don’t risk the sandals or high-heels as this can lead to accidents.

Passing the test is just the beginning

Once you’ve passed your test (Congratulations!), but you’re not a professional driver just yet…

The key to becoming a safe and responsible driver is practising regularly. Try to drive as much as possible until you become fully confident, and always keep in mind what you’ve learned in your Birmingham automatic driving lessons.

Once you’re capable of sitting behind the wheel without your heart pumping out of your chest, you’ll be able to enjoy the joys of driving. Bear these tips in mind to master the craft with minimal distractions and stress. Good luck!

… And if you still feel a little underconfident, why not increase your experience with our Pass Plus course! It’s a 6-hour advanced driving course to boost your skills. You’ll be driving on high-speed roads, motorways, in different conditions, so Call Us Today to find out more!

automatic driving lessons birmingham

How To Pick The Right Driving School?

Are you a teenager eager to drive for the first time? Or someone who hasn’t driven a car in years? Either way, it’s important to choose a driving school that will help you become a safe and confident driver and of course, pass your driving test with flying colours.

Check out the features you should look for in an ideal driving school.


It’s a red flag if the driving instructors don’t have a professional qualification. Not only should they be qualified by the DSA, but also properly vetted by CRB.


Apart from proper qualification, a driving instructor should have plenty of hands-on teaching experience. An experienced instructor will be able to solidify the fundamentals of driving by teaching you in a way that suits your learning style.

Local Knowledge

If you’re seeking driving lessons in Walsall, it would be better to choose a driving instructor who is familiar with the local driving test routes and driving rules. This will ensure you’re well prepared for your driving test.

Instructor’s Vehicle

Whether you’re going to be driving a manual or an automatic vehicle, the driving school should teach you with a vehicle with a similar transmission. A stick-shift transmission is more complex than an automatic transmission, make sure you enquire about it before booking lessons.

In addition to this, the learning vehicle should be fitted with dual controls to ensure safety at all times.

Crash Courses

If you’re on a time crunch or just need to refresh your driving skills, enquire about Intensive Driving Course in Birmingham. A crash course will work out your pain points in a short span of time.

Reasonable Pricing

Driving lessons shouldn’t end up costing as much as a vehicle. Look for reasonably priced lessons.

Tailored Lessons

Every student is different. That’s why you need a driving school that will tailor driving lessons to match your abilities. Driving for the first time can be stressful. Look for a driving instructor who communicates clearly and patiently.

Get in touch with Just Pass School of Motoring for quality driving lessons.